Mufti Birthday 2023

Hey Mufti!

I hope you will have/are having/had a joyful and relaxing birthday. I will be there for all of it (I am possibly as you read this also “there”/nearby). But I feel a gift is incomplete without a written component. So here is this year’s written component.

Lots has changed since you last had a birthday! We now own a house 😲 and have extended membership of the extremely exclusive club Mufju to a little hairy bean called Pancha. We initially offered her an intern position but she has moved quickly and schmoozed her way to becoming partner already. I’m so happy to be sharing all this with you, all the ups and all the downs.

Here is a quick rundown of your presents.

🧝‍♀️ Tears of the Kingdom

You already know about this one but I’m excited for you to start playing it, and I thought it was important that you had your own copy.

🍲 Pink Oyster Mushroom Growing Kit

Eventually I think you could grow these (and others) from spores, but I thought it would be good to try a kit first as an introduction. You grow them and I’ll cook you something with them!

🧦 Some Nice Socks

We still haven’t done our sock purge/audit, but I hope the addition of these to our sock drawer means we can throw away at least 4 current other pairs. (BTW I already threw 1 pair away whilst you were gone. Pan was chewing them and I don’t know if it was her or if they were already like that but they were basically unusable). These are all wool-rich, and I got a few different types so you can see which you like most and we get more of. I’m still trying to find a place that does Nice Socks that aren’t just plain colours as I know you like patterns and stuff. It’s harder to find, but I think i’ve found one. Will show you soon.

☕️ Starbucks Barista Coffee Mug

I can’t remember how your old one broke, but I remember you saying on multiple occasions how much you enjoyed drinking out of it. Turns out they haven’t made them like this in years, but I found one that I hope/believe is the exact same model. Let me know if it isn’t!

🍄 Katie Scott Original Print

I noticed you admiring one of the prints in Bibelot Nook, the one of the rainforest. I found out the original illustration is by Katie Scott (the one we saw was a copy, maybe a bootleg?), and I considered getting you an original of it but then I saw the ones she has available and thought you would enjoy this one more. I know you love fungi forms and also I think it will go well on our dark green wall.

Ok that’s it from me. I hope one Sunday soon we can snuggle on our new sofa in our lovely living room with lovely art on the wall, and you can be wearing nice warm socks and drinking out of your mug and we can both play Zelda and Pan can snooze on us.
See you in the real world.
I love you.

PS - ur ma fevs