
First of all, happy birthday! I hope you’re having a restful day. I really regret that I didn’t see you when I was in London last week. It was just a really stressful few days (we took the puppy down which makes everything more stressful, plus family stuff) and I was in a bad mood for all of it. In truth, it’s been a rough few months 😓

Thank you so much for inviting me though, it really means a lot. I don’t get many social invites so it felt supremely wasteful to pass up an invite not just once but TWICE.

I know that logically it didn’t make loads of difference to you but I still wanted to make sure you knew, I feel really bad about it.

So if you’re reading this, you’ve received the birthday parcel I sent you. I got the chocolate from this small bakery near me, I recommend it if you’re in the area when you come up (the cinnamon buns are legit). I hope you like dark chocolate, for some reason I thought you did.

The thought the book was nice and quiet, I really like the photos they (it’s a couple that do sort of travel books) make. Slow and moody. Hope you like.

I miss you. How are you? Are you still at CS? How’s the house?

I wanted to send you a photo of us and realised I don’t really have any. Let’s change that! Here’s a few photos that don’t have either of us in: